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Educational Innovation Bursary

The City of Dublin Skin and Cancer Hospital Charity (CDSCHC) are committed to supporting nurse educational and research bursaries to improve the delivery of dermatological services in Ireland. There are 3 types of bursaries available for dermatology nurses who are members of the IDNA. They are :

  • Educational awards up to € 3000.
  • Educational award to pay for MSc in Dermatology – This will be paid on an annual basis directly to the University.
  • Innovation / Project award – up to € 3000. 

As an organisation, the IDNA is very grateful to the CDSCHC for this generous support. It is a significant contribution to practice / professional development courses that will lead directly to improved care for clients with dermatological conditions.

Guidelines and conditions for application

  • These bursaries are only available to fully paid ordinary members of the Irish Dermatology Nurses Association, who members for at least one year and will remain a member whilst undertaking their study. 
  • For educational bursaries, a summary of not more than 500 words should be submitted outlining on how this award will benefit your nursing practice making particular reference to how you wish to use the award and the impact it will have.
  • For innovation bursaries, an outline of project with projected costs should be submitted. This bursary is not for purchase of department equipment. (Word count not restricted).
  • All applications will be examined by a judging panel.
  • Summaries should be word processed, times new roman, font 12 and include a word count. Your name or place of work must not be included in the summary. This is needed to ensure anonymity for judging. Breach of same will result in rejection of an application. 
  • Applicants must also submit an application form. 
  • Successful applicants will be required to submit original receipts for reimbursement directly to CDSCHC. Please note this award will require submission of receipts related to project/ training before it will be awarded. 
  • Any Hospital Ethics Committee approval required must be granted and a copy of this approval must be forwarded to the CDSCHC before any payment is made. 
  • Any Irish Medicines Board approval required must be granted and a copy of this approval must be forwarded to the CDSCHC before any payment is made to successful individuals. 
  • Successful applicants will give a presentation from their proposed educational activity to the CDSCHC and /or the Irish Skin Foundation at a professional study day, patient forum or annual general meeting as appropriate. 
  • The contribution of the CDSCHC must be acknowledged in all presentations and publications arising from the awards. 
  • The IDNA reserve the right to vary the amounts and conditions of applications and to terminate scholarships if the need arises. If successful applicants do not use the Award for the purpose for which it is awarded they will be asked to return the full amount of the award.